Here is the code for the JavaScript above:
<title>Custom Object Array</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// The function listPlayers() that loops through until
all players are displayed.
function listPlayers()
{ // Function opener
// Clears values if a user clicks the Show Players and Teams
button more than once.
document.finals2k6.Heat.value = ""
document.finals2k6.Mavericks.value = ""
for (var v = 0; v < players.length; v++)
{ // for opener
if (players[v].team == "Heat")
{ // if opener
// Here the custom object is used to display the properties
of the new object.
document.finals2k6.Heat.value += players[v].playerName +
players[v].playerPosition + players[v].team + "\n"
} //------------ if closer
if (players[v].team == "Mavericks")
document.finals2k6.Mavericks.value += players[v].playerName +
players[v].playerPosition + players[v].team + "\n" ;
} // for closer
while (players[v] < 10);
} //function closer
<h2>Click below to see the 2006 NBA finals players and
<form name="finals2k6" id="finals2k6">
<TABLE border="1">
<td background=""><br>
<input onclick="listPlayers()" type="button" value="Show
Players and Teams"></center><br>
<textarea name="Heat" scrollbar="no" scroll="no" scrolling
="auto" rows="6" cols="31"
<textarea name="Mavericks" rows="6" cols="34">
</tr><p></td> </table></p></form>
</center><script type="text/javascript">
// Here the object and its properties are defined
function finalsTeams(playerName, playerPosition, team)
this.playerName = playerName;
this.playerPosition =playerPosition; = team;
// The array is created and instantiated
var players = new Array();
players[9] = new finalsTeams ("Shaquille O'Neal, ", "Center,
", "Heat");
players[8] = new finalsTeams ("Dirk Nowitzki, ", "Forward,
", "Mavericks");
players[7] = new finalsTeams ("Dwayne Wade, ", "Guard, ",
players[6] = new finalsTeams ("Udonis Haslem, ", "Forward,
", "Heat");
players[5] = new finalsTeams ("Jason Terry,", "Guard, ",
players[4] = new finalsTeams ("Jason Williams, ", "Guard, ",
players[3] = new finalsTeams ("Josh Howard, ", "Forward, ",
players[2] = new finalsTeams ("Eric Dampier, ", "Center, ",
players[1] = new finalsTeams ("Antoine Walker, ", "Forward,
", "Heat");
players[0] = new finalsTeams ("Devin Harris, ", "Guard, ",
Now you can try creating your own custom object. You
don't have to use it with an array or with loops as I did in
my example. If you need assistance or have any questions
with this or any other script contact me:
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